Paulina Ortiz Roel


The basis of my practice is digestive health. I teach my patients to adopt an eating style that helps them develop a diverse gut microbiota and thus treat and/or prevent digestive disorders, chronic-degenerative diseases, hormonal disorders, autoimmune diseases, among others.

I firmly believe that disease begins in the gut and prevention of it is found right there.

Nutrition For Gut Health
Av. José Vasconcelos 150 Ote-Piso M, Colonia Del Valle, C.P. 66220, San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León, México
+52 1 81 8276 5547
In-person available
Telehealth available

Address your gut-brain connection

Nerva uses gut-brain hypnotherapy to help you learn to  manage IBS symptoms in just 6-weeks.
Learn more