What is hypnotherapy?
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Unlock the power of your mind.

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis is a focused and absorbed state of attention, where you become more receptive to new ideas.

Hypnotherapy is the combination of hypnosis and psychological therapy. When you combine hypnosis with suggestions and psychological therapy, it becomes a powerful way to harness your mind to improve your health. Studies have shown combining hypnosis with therapy is more effective than therapy alone.

How does it work?

Brain scan studies have shown that hypnosis activates areas of the brain associated with absorption, the brain-body connection and disassociation. Hypnotherapy harnesses these effects to help you change how you experience symptoms & their triggers.

What happens during a session?

During a session, you’ll be guided via audio into a relaxed and focused state. This process is called ‘induction’. Next, your guide will take you through visualizations that teach your unconcious mind how to self-regulate your symptoms. Finally, you are guided to become more alert and refreshed.

Will it work for me?

Research shows that hypnotherapy works for most people, with 3 out of 4 people responding to gut-directed hypnotherapy and almost everyone responding to hot flash hypnotherapy.

Research & outcomes

We take clinical evidence seriously. Nerva is an evidence-based program with efficacy at it’s centre.
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Scientific Advisory Board

Dr. Michael Yapko

Award winning psychologist, author and clinical hypnosis expert.

Dr. Simone Peters

Psychophysiologist & Gut-Directed Hypnotherapist at Monash University

Dr. Gary Elkins

Professor, Psychology and Neuroscience at Baylor University.

Dr. Jeffrey Feldman

Clinical Health Psychologist, Associate Professor, Department of Neurology


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Frequently Asked Questions

What health areas & conditions can we help with?

We currently have digital hypnotherapy programs for Menopause & Hot Flashes (Evia), and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

We're in the process of creating new products into conditions such as Smoking Cessation, Depression/Mood, Sleep, Chronic pain, and more. If you have any suggestions for programs you'd want, we'd love to hear them!

How can I access the money back guarantee?

We believe in our program and know if you give Nerva or Evia a chance, you won't regret it. That's why we offer a money-back guarantee and will provide you a full refund for up to 30 days after you started your purchase, provided that

  • You have given the program a real try and listened to at least 7 sessions; and
  • You started your trial through the Web or Google Play Store (we can't control refunds with Apple subscriptions)

If you purchased through our website & Google Play Store: Please reach out to us here or through our in-app chat for assistance. Please note, only one payment can be refunded, with no partial refunds available.‍

If you purchased through the iTunes App Store: Apple handles all billing for in-app purchases made on iOS devices. Customers who subscribed to Nerva or Evia through iTunes will need to reach out to Apple directly with any refund requests. They are typically able to honor all refund requests within 30 days of the purchase date (but it's at their discretion). You can contact iTunes Customer Support directly at‍

How do I cancel my subscription/trial?

You can cancel your subscription from within the Nerva app. Please note that cancellations will take some time to be reflected on the app.

  1. Open the Nerva/Evia app.
  2. Tap the settings icon on the top right corner of the Today/Home screen.
  3. Tap Subscription.
  4. Tap the Manage subscription button. If you started the trial/subscription via the website (Stripe), then you will be taken to Stripe’s customer portal. Otherwise, you will be taken to your device’s Subscriptions screen.
  5. For Stripe payments - Tap Cancel plan. Follow the instructions.
  6. For Apple/Google payments - Tap the Nerva/Evia subscription, then tap Cancel Subscription on the next screen. Follow the instructions.

How can I use Connect in my workflow?

We're designing Connect to fit seamlessly into your current consultation flow with your patients, and provide value to you and the patient at each step of the way. We aim to provide different recommendation options including sharing a link, entering a patients details for an automated recommendation, as well as physical referral cards. Each of these will connect you with the patient automatically, helping you to stay up to date with the patients progress when they next come in to see you or on an ongoing basis depending on your relationship.

To have a more tailored answer to your specific flow, as well as provide suggestions, please set up a free call with our healthcare team through the Calendar below.

Is hypnotherapy useful on its own? Or is it best used alongside other options?

Hypnotherapy can be used as either a standalone self-care or alongside other options, it depends on what’s best for the person. Studies have shown hypnotherapy being effective in both cases.

We’re promoters of taking an integrative approach to the management complex issues such as IBS and menopause, and often see hypnotherapy used as an addition to practitioners management plan depending on what the patient needs.

What kinds of patients benefit most from hypnotherapy?

In terms of the effectiveness, the predictors of response have been difficult to determine for hypnotherapy.

Some patients who benefit most from hypnotherapy include patients who are not suitable for some management options (e.g. shouldn’t follow a restrictive diet), and patients who are not wanting to use more invasive options (e.g. not wanting to take HRT).

Since hypnotherapy has also shown to have psychological benefits, such as reduced stress and improved mood, patients who could benefit from this  tend to receive more from including hypnotherapy in their management approach

What conditions can be managed effectively with hypnotherapy?

The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis has been publishing peer-reviewed studies since 1953. The most common and effective therapeutic applications of hypnotherapy are for the management of irritable bowel syndrome, hot flashes, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, smoking cessation, sleep, and many others.

Is there a money back guarantee?

We believe in our program and know if you give it a chance, you won't regret it. That's why we offer a money-back guarantee and will provide you a full refund for up to 30 days after you started your purchase, provided that:

  • You have given the program a real try and listened to at least 7 sessions; and
  • You started your trial through the Web or Google Play Store (we are unable to offer this for Apple Subscriptions)
When will I start to see results?

While everybody is different, many women start seeing results during the very first week. Evia will help you monitor and understand your progress throughout the program.

How can hypnotherapy help with hot flashes & night sweats?

Menopause impacts your body’s ability to regulate temperature. That means, your brain will sometimes think you’re too hot or too cold – even if you’re not – and trigger a physical reaction to fix it. The blood vessels near your skin will dilate (causing a flushed feeling), your blood will move faster around your body (increasing your heart rate), and heat will evaporate from your skin (you’ll sweat). This is what we call a hot flash or night sweat.

Hypnotherapy can help in two ways. It can teach your brain to better respond to temperature changes, reducing how often hot flashes and night sweats are triggered. It can also help you calm your body’s stress response, meaning when a hot flash or night sweat does happen, the physical symptoms (flushed skin, increased heart rate, sweating) are less severe.

Throughout the Evia program you’ll learn more about the science behind menopause, hot flashes, night sweats, and hypnotherapy.

How does hypnotherapy work?

Hypnosis is best described as a focused and absorbed state of attention, where your mind becomes more receptive to new ideas. It’s not magic or mind control, it’s a natural process that feels similar to when you become absorbed in a good book or movie.

During an Evia hypnotherapy session, you’ll find a comfortable seated or lying position before closing your eyes. You’ll listen to a therapist as they guide you into a focused state of attention, and then give you suggestions to help your body manage hot flashes and night sweats.

When will I start to see results?

While everybody is different, many people start seeing results during the very first week. Nerva will help you monitor and understand your progress throughout the program.

Is there a money back guarantee?

We believe in our program and know if you give it a chance, you won't regret it. That's why we offer a money-back guarantee and will provide you a full refund for up to 30 days after you started your purchase, provided that:

  • You have given the program a real try and listened to at least 7 sessions; and
  • You started your trial through the Web or Google Play Store (we are unable to offer this for Apple Subscriptions)
How does hypnotherapy work?

Hypnosis is best described as a focused and absorbed state of attention, where your mind becomes more receptive to new ideas. It’s not magic or mind control, it’s a natural process that feels similar to when you become absorbed in a good book or movie.

During an Nerva hypnotherapy session, you’ll find a comfortable seated or lying position before closing your eyes. You’ll listen to a therapist as they guide you into a focused state of attention, and then give you suggestions to help your body manage IBS symptoms.

How can hypnotherapy help manage IBS symptoms?

Gut-directed hypnotherapy can help you to build a positive relationship between the gut and the brain. It doesn’t stop the signals from your gut; instead, it helps you learn how to manage your perception of these signals and calm your IBS symptoms. Gut-directed hypnotherapy has been shown in dozens of studies to be a highly effective approach to managing IBS symptoms, working just as well as common elimination diets like low FODMAP.

How does hypnotherapy work?

Hypnosis is best described as a focused and absorbed state of attention, where your mind becomes more receptive to new ideas. When coupled with therapy, it becomes hypnotherapy. it’s a natural process that feels similar to when you become absorbed in a good book or movie.

During an Finito hypnotherapy session, you’ll find a comfortable seated or lying position before closing your eyes. You’ll listen to a therapist as they guide you into a focused state of attention, and then give you suggestions to help your body manage nicotine cravings and create new habits.

How can hypnotherapy help me quit smoking?

Hypnosis has been shown to amplify therapeutic messages, such as reminding you that smoking no longer serves you, or that you can find relaxation in other ways. 

Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation acts on the underlying factors by reducing stress, increasing the ability to cope with withdrawal symptoms (until they fade), fostering positive emotional regulation, and increasing motivation to remain free from cigarettes, vaping, or other tobacco products.

Research shows that quitting with hypnosis makes you up to 10 times more likely to abstain from cigarettes for more than a year, compared to quitting without support.

Is there a money back guarantee?

We believe in our program and know if you give it a chance, you won't regret it. That's why we offer a money-back guarantee and will provide you a full refund for up to 30 days after you started your purchase, provided that:

  • You have given the program a real try and listened to at least 7 sessions; and
  • You started your trial through the Web or Google Play Store (we are unable to offer this for Apple Subscriptions)
When will I start to see results?

While everybody is different, you may be able to quit cigarettes from your very first session. Finito will help you through the initial cravings, and then help you let go of the habits and associations you had when you smoked, as well as building new, healthier habits. 

Smoking became a habit for you over time, and so it takes time to create a new way of living. This is why Finito is a four-week program and can help you quit for good. It’s important that if you lapse and have a cigarette or miss a session, you come back to the program as soon as you can. By following Finito, you can become a non-smoker.